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This trip allowed us to experience & understand the Penang culture & history, from mouth-watering street food to artistic murals which don the streets of the Georgetown. We had to identify several options (at least 3) of the subject matters for the Project 2 requirement & study their uniqueness, character, how to make it or how to use it, etc. We were advised to take many photos about it and interview with the locals can take place for better findings.



Trip Excursion

We (Students of BIA SEM3) went on a 3 day excursion to Georgetown, Penang, on the 19th of September.


We arrived at the location after a bus ride of approximately 4 hours from Taylor's University to Container Hotel in Georgetown, Penang. 


The purpose of the excursion was to experience and understand the Penang culture and history, from mouth-watering street food to artistic murals which don the streets of the Georgetown. 


I carried around my phone as my mean of taking pictures. 


On the first day after arriving at the container hotel at around 4pm, we took some time to settle in our bunk bed cubicles and freshen up before starting on our excursion.


I visited the Sekeping Victoria awesome canteen first, along with my class mates. The place had an industrial style interior and gave a very cozy and relaxing vibe all around. The food was delicious and the staff were super friendly. We took some pictures of the place and then headed out in smaller groups to explore more places. 


Me and and a few other friends of mine were walking and came across the 'Art lane', with its numerous number of drawings and graffiti which I absolutely loved. 


The art ranged from simple line art to fine art. 


We then strolled across the streets of little India, though we did not see much on that day. After sometime we headed to eat at a Mamak nearby and had Indian food for dinner.


Then we walked back to the hotel.


The next day we woke up early at around 7am and had breakfast before 9:30 which was the scheduled time for our tour.


Then we arrived at the St. George's church for the guided tour.


Our tour guide, David, one of the most experienced and knowledgeable tour guides I have come across, took us on a walkabout tour about the Penang heritage trail (PHT) 


He narrated to us about how Malaysia fought for its independence and how the country came to have so many co-existing ethnicities in the country.


He walked us from the church, to a Indian temple, to a Buddhist temple, to a Chinese temple and to a mosque while explaining the amazing phenomenon of how you could see and experience so many different cultures and religions in just a stroll along one city.


In each place he would explain to us how the people worship their gods and the different beliefs they would have.


He also took us along some food stations and told us what they were and how they were made. 


We had the wonderful opportunity of tasting some of them.


Then he guided us to the Chew Jetty where there were so many local shops along the entire pathway. They were very intriguing.


I was particularly happy that I got to see the sea and enjoy the fresh breeze coming from over the ocean. It was a truly refreshing moment. Coming from a island country surrounded by the sea, I surely missed that feeling immensely. 


After that we had our lunch break so we went to Awesome canteen and had some really good food. I miss the food already to be fair. 


Then we went to the upside down museum.


After the sunset I went back to the hotel and got some well needed rest after proposing our ideas and chosen subject to our lecturers, Ms. Aida and Mr. Imran.


The next morning we got up and went to this really nice cafe'called Mugshot Cafe'. We had the pleasure of having the best Bagel Muffin smoked salmon in Penang at the cafe'. It was truly a delightful experience.


Then we headed back to KL. After a bus ride of approximately 5 hours we reached Taylors University and thereby ending our Excursion to Penang.


It was the end to a very enjoyable, refreshing and enlightening trip.

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